Solidarity Statement: End Apartheid in Palestine!

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Voices of Liberation stands in solidarity with the Palestinian struggle for liberation. We reject the absolute falsehood pushed by the western media that this conflict began on October 7th. It is vital that we educate ourselves & each other on the decades-long history of violent occupation & displacement inflicted on the people of Palestine by Zionism & the state of Israel. Criticism of these political entities is not criticism of Judaism or the Jewish people. We stand in solidarity with Jewish and Palestinian people who are mourning the loss of life, and with those who are calling for a ceasefire and an end to the occupation.

There is a direct relationship between Israeli & domestic U.S. oppression. Police exchange programs sponsored by the federal government literally send U.S. law enforcement to Israel for training in border policing, community policing, and urban policing. Many of the same tactics practiced on Palestinians are deployed here to control communities of color. While our government tells us we have no money to feed, shelter, and care for our own people, they have no qualms spending billions on war, violence, and control. The struggles against the growing state violence of the U.S. criminal punishment system and the Israeli occupation are bound together and our oppressors are the same.

We are witnessing the birth of a mass movement that understands the interrelated struggles of all oppressed people. Cutting across the borders of race, class and religion, people are showing up across the country and the world to demand an end to the violent actions of empire.

From opposing the Boston Regional Intelligence Center, to Stop Cop City, to fighting for Palestinian liberation, we will see you in the streets. Free Palestine! Free the people!

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