Heal the Hood Youth After School Sessions

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Heal the Hood Youth Afterschool Program – Call for Support

Following the success of our Heal the Hood Youth Summer Cohort, we are opening up our Afterschool Sessions offering a free drop-in youth program 5 days a week. Heal the Hood Youth Sessions are designed to provide a safe space for youth to explore professional, creative and community opportunities and learn together with other youth. We need your help to offer these services to our community! We are looking for volunteers to help teach programming or be available to mentor and host the youth. Some of the classes we are looking to develop or have had in the past include: DJ Academy, App + Computer Programming, 3D Animation, Modeling and Printing, Community + Civic Engagement, Hip-Hop, Media Communications, Coding, Camping + Hiking, Poetry, Field Trips,  Information Technology, Growing Food, Vocal Lessons, Aquatic Classes, Restorative Justice Through Art, Cooking, Financial Literacy, Drawing & Visual Art + more! If you can provide these skills and are interested in teaching a lesson or a unit, please get in touch. 

We are also looking for financial donations to provide the space, pay our community facilitators and supply any needed materials or resources for the programming. If you would like to support us by making a donation please visit: https://voicesofliberation.org/vol/donate/
If you would like to support our after school sessions, please reach out to voicesofliberation@gmail.com or weathers.derrel1@gmail.com. Thank you!

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