Thanks Taking – What’s In A Name?

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Community Education: Our Story not “History” Tuesday November 24, 20205:30 PM EST What’s In A Name? The Enduring Legacy of Resistance Slavery & GenocideA conversation with:Jamarhl CrawfordPublisher / Editor:; Activist / OrganizerChief Sachem Larry Fisher, PhDMattakeeset Tribe of the Massachuset … Continued

Housing Policy Summit: Report Back

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Video of Event Zoom Chat Transcription (PDF) | Facebook Convo | Twitter Thread Panelists Alex Ponte-Capellan – City Life / Vida Urbana Melanie Gleason – Lawyers for Civil Rights Domonique A. Williams – Deputy Director, Office of Housing Stability, City … Continued

Mass Mobilization Building Political Power

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Mass MobilizationBuilding Political PowerCommunity Conversation: #RockTheVote Join us from 12-2 pm we’ll be live on @juliaforboston FB and IG streams. Links at: Panel featuring: Kharlita Chambers, Leon Rivera, James Hills and Derrell “Slim” Performances by: Deeb04r, Cali Royal, J.A.B.S., PimpDaddy Dane, Young … Continued

Vacancy Tax: A Proposal for Boston

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The VOL Anti-Gentrification Action Committee has started a working group around the idea of establishing a Vacancy Tax in Boston to push back against the displacement associated with gentrification and increase the guaranteed access to affordable space in our city. … Continued

Heal the Hood

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Join us for a community conversation and performances featuring voices of the streets sharing their stories, strategies and insights on the issue of violence in the community. 10/10/2012:00-1:00PM Panel Discussion With:-“Hood” White [Academy Homes]– Darrion “Stax” [St. Joseph’s]– Antonio Ansaldi … Continued